This family home delights with its French touch, French antiques and eye-catching art throughout. Located on the border of the Sea Cliff neighborhood, it is a quick walk to the Legion of Honor Museum, Clement Street restaurants and Lands End opening to the expanse of the Pacific Ocean with fabulous hiking trails. Three-levels with an interior staircase. Each room has a motif. The family den is filled with unique art, sofas and armoires a room designed for hosting and socializing with friends and family. The sunroom in the rear of the house has skylights and windows overlooking a landscaped, brick yard. With seats and a round breakfast table, this sunroom can be used for casual dining, a game room or even a large office.
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In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum is a filler text or greeking commonly used to demonstrate the textual elements of a graphic document or visual presentation. Replacing meaningful content with placeholder text allows designers to design the form of the content before the content itself has been produced.
Lorem Ipsum is also known as: Greeked text, blind text, placeholder text, dummy content, filler text, lipsum, and mock-content.